**The in-person conference has been postponed, and the virtual conference will be held as per the schedule. We will announce the new schedule very soon.

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Welcome to The World Diabetes & Endocrinology Conference

We've built a long-standing relationship based on trust

It gives us great pleasure to invite you to the upcoming world diabetes & endocrinology conference (WDEC 2025), which promises to be one of the most exciting congresses to date!  New technologies and techniques as well as the latest in cutting-edge translational research will be the focus of the meeting, all of which are as key to what will become standard clinical practice in years to come.


WDEC 2025 will specialize in the newest and exciting innovations altogether areas of research, offering a singular opportunity for diabetologists, endocrinologists, bariatric & endocrine surgeons, nutritionists, diabetes educators and other healthcare professionals across the globe to meet, network, and perceive new scientific interventions.


World diabetes & endocrinology conference providing the opportunity to uncover the most recent advancements in diabetes & endocrinology research at this critical conference. 


WDEC 2025
Organizing Committee


Meet our Conference Speakers

Dr Stanley S. Schwartz

University of Pennsylvania, USA

Dr. Michael Mueller-Korbsch

MedVienna Aerztezentrum, Vienna, Austria

Professor Jaakko Tuomilehto

University of Helsinki, Finland

Dr. Dongbao Chen

University of California Irvine, USA

Dr Petr Jezek

Institute of Physiology Academy of Sciences Czech Republic , Prague, Czech

Dr. Bruce Dorr

Littleton Hospital, USA

Dr Bob Ryder

Chief investigator, Association of British Clinical Diabetologists, United Kingdom

Dr. Gerald C. Hsu

EclaireMD Foundation Indiana, USA

Congress Registration Fees

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Oral / Workshop

Participation and presentation. Access to all conference sessions, exhibitions and poster presentations. Certification


Congress Attendee / Listener

Participation and interaction. Access to all conference sessions, exhibitions and poster presentations. Certification


Graduation or Post Graduation

Participation and presentation. Access to all conference sessions, exhibitions and poster presentations. Certification


Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze

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