- Laptop, Projector, Microphone will be provided by the Organization.
- We suggest you to please carry your presentation in a flash drive or you can submit your presentation to info@mededmeetings.com.
- All the presentation should be in Power-point. Make sure your slides are readable.
- Keep the number of slides to a minimum (up to 15 slides), don’t overload slides.
- Use simple sentences; avoid jargon, highly specialized vocabulary and unfamiliar abbreviations.
- Make your slides interesting; don’t just read out a list of bullet points from each slide. Judicious use of photos/graphics can be very helpful.
Using too many different colors, fonts, and graphics will distract the audience. - Keep graphs and tables simple, and make sure they are legible and appropriately labeled.
- No videos will be recorded
- Allow at least 5 minutes at the end of your presentation for questions.
- Question periods, thanks and acknowledgment of the speakers will take place during the session or after completion of the session, so please stay until the session ends.
WDEC 2025
World Diabetes & Endocrinology Conference