World Diabetes & Endocrinology Conference
World Diabetes & Endocrinology Conference
Amsterdam UMC
After obtaining her bachelor in Pharmacy and master in
Medicine, Jessica Bak worked for one year as an assistant physician not in
training at the Gynaecology department. Here she found her passion for Internal
Medicine, resulting in three years as an physician assistant in Internal
Medicine. In 2019, Jessica Bak started as a Ph.D. student at the Amsterdam
University Medical Centres. Her Ph.D. trajectory focuses on the Dutch Pediatric
and Adult Registry of Diabetes (DPARD), the national clinical diabetes registry
of all ages in the Netherlands. She is also employed at DICA, the Dutch
Institute for Clinical auditing, a foundation with governance of different
nationwide registries. The interest of Jessica Bak lies in the field of
real-world evidence and endocrinology.