World Diabetes & Endocrinology Conference
World Diabetes & Endocrinology Conference
DIMED – Hypertension Unit and specialized center University Hospital
Dr. Gian
Paolo Rossi is Chair (Tenure track) of Internal Medicine, Department of
Medicine-DIMED- University Hospital, Padua, Professor of Medicine, Department
of Medicine University of Padua, Italy, Director of The High Blood Pressure
Unit and Coordinator of the International PhD Program Arterial Hypertension
Vascular Biology, University of Padua Italy. He trained at the Dept. Heart
& Hypertension Research at the Cleveland Clinic and was visiting Scientist
at German Institute for High Blood Pressure Research, Department of
Pharmacology University of Heidelberg Germany, the Medical Academy of
Gdansk Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology Berlin and the Egyptian
Society of Hypertension.
He received his MD degree from
University of Padua Magna cum laude and is Board Certified in Cardiology and in
Endocrinology at the University of Padua. He received the title of Hypertension
Specialist by European Society of Hypertension (ESH). He is member of European
Society of Hypertension, The American College of Cardiology, The American Heart
Association, The International Society of Hypertension. He has served in the
Executive Board of the Italian Society of Hypertension, The European Council
for Cardiovascular Research ECCR, of which was President in the term 2016-2017,
and the International Aldosterone Conference, of which he was Chair in 2016-17.
His also served as Editor-in-Chief of Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine -
Hypertension section and as member of the Editorial Board of The Journal of
Hypertesnion, The World Journal of Cardiology and The Journal of Clinical
Endocrinology and Metabolism. He is member of the Editorial Board of
Hypertension (AHA journal) and High Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular
Prevention. He acted as International expert for the French INSERM for onsite
visits aimed establishing new ISERM units. Known for his leadership and
coordination capabilities he is coordinator of working group on Endothelins and
Endothelial Factors of the ESH, Primary Aldosteronism of the Italian Society of
Hypertension, Principal Investigator of the Genica Study, the PAPY study,
the PAPPHY Study, the Metras Study, the AVIS-1 and AVIS-2 Study, and the
ongoing I-Padua, MAPA and EMIRA Study. He has a Hirsch Index of 65 (Google
Scholar), has published 460 papers in International Journals and written 25
chapters in different Books. He was selected for the Harry Goldblatt Award of
the AHA, has been awarded The Unindustria Treviso 2003 Awards, The 2013
TalalZein Award of the European Society of Hypertension, and The 2013 International
Award For Publication Excellence in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and
Metabolism of the US Endocrine Society.