World Surgery & Anesthesia Congress
World Surgery & Anesthesia Congress
Goldilocks Anesthesia Foundation
Dr. Barry Friedberg is a board-certified US
anesthesiologist, an enthusiastic teacher.
He has lectured in the US, Canada, Dominican
Republic, Mexico, Venezuela, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Abu Dhabi, Dubai and
He has published numerous letters to the editor,
articles and chapters, and his own, 2007 Cambridge University Press ‘Anesthesia
in Cosmetic Surgery’ textbook.
This was the first textbook in the field, first to
display a pEEG monitor on the cover and first to numerically define
sedation/anesthesia levels instead of using words.
Most of his papers are posted on open access
ResearchGate and his OFA lectures are on his YouTube channel.
Dr. Barry Friedberg was born in Philadelphia, PA. He grew up and
attended school there all through high school. When it was time to go to
college Dr. Friedberg chose Muhlenberg College in Allentown PA. It is there
that he received his Bachelor degree in health professions. From there he went
on to Temple Medical School in Philadelphia and completed his anesthesia
training in Stanford, CA.
He has made so many accomplishments,
throughout his career. Some of which include, early leader in office based
anesthesia (OBA), the development of Propofol ketamine (PK) anesthesia for OBA
1992, made PK numerically reproducible with addition of brain monitor in 1998.
He founded SOFA, Society of Office Anesthesia, later merging with SOBA, Society
for Office Based Anesthesia.
He was chosen first of 40,000 US anesthesiologists to write & edit
the first textbook on Cosmetic Surgery Anesthesia, published by Cambridge
University Press in 2007, translated into Portuguese 2009 & Mandarin
Chinese 2015.
He won the US Congressional Award of Special Recognition to improve
safety of US troops. He was extensively published AND subsequently cited in the
literature and anesthesia textbooks as well as Volunteer clinical faculty @ USC
Dr. Barry Friedberg now lives in Southern CA with an office based
anesthesia private practice. He is the founder & president of non-profit
Goldilocks Anesthesia Foundation, dedicated to making brain monitoring a
standard of care.