Other Registration Option
If anyone faces difficulty with the above
payment option, they can pay the registration fee here.
Enter the sum of registration and
accommodation amount in the box. Mention the registration category &
accommodation at “REGISTERING AS” and pay the registration fee.
Registration Includes
Access to all Scientific Sessions, Poster sessions, Exhibitions
Handbook & Conference Materials
Lunch, Tea/Coffee breaks during the conference days
Accredited Certificates from the Organizing Committee
Access to the attendees' email list (post-conference)
Wi-Fi in meeting rooms
Includes all mentioned registration features.
Poster will be designated with serial numbers and will be placed in the poster hall before one hour of the session start.
Each author will be provided with a 1-meter X 1-meter poster presenting area and mounting pins / stick-tape.
Participants are responsible for mounting their posters during the presentation and in removing them as soon as the session ends.
Best Poster awards will be announced during the closing ceremony of the conference.
Access to all Scientific Sessions, Poster sessions, Exhibitions
Breakfast, Lunch, Tea/coffee breaks during the conference days
Certificate Accreditation from the Organizing Committee
Delegates are not allowed to present their papers in Oral or Poster sessions.
Webinar is an online conference. Speakers/delegates can only join the conference virtually
Certification, article publication, soft copies of conference materials
Video Presentation
It’s a virtual form of presentation. Presenters must send a pre-recorded video of their presentation. Presenters not necessary to join the conference.
Certification, article publication, soft copies of conference materials
It’s a virtual form of presentation. Presenters must send a soft copy of their poster.
Certification, article publication, soft copies of conference materials