World Dentistry Conference
Infante da Câmara Dental Institute
Maria Inês
Correia graduated at Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde do Norte, in
Portugal, where she obtain her DDS degree, in 2008. From the beginning orthodontics
has been her favorite area of dentistry.
In 2008
she begin her pos-graduation studies, strarting with pediatrics dentistry for
better knowledge of craniofacial growth. In 2009, she did her first
pos-graduation in orthodontics at Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde do
Norte. Later, in 2011, she applied for the oldest full-time pos-graduation
program of orthdontics in Portugal, at Faculty of Dental Medicine University of
Porto, which lasted three years. In 2014 she had her first contact with clear
aligners and, in 2015, flew to Madrid to
do her first certification in a brand of clear aligners. Recently, in 2018, she
did a funcional occlusion pos-graduation at Advance Face/Roth-Williams Center.
She was invited
to teach about clear aligners at Orthodontic Service from Faculty of Dental
Medicine University of Porto during 2018 and 2019, and worked as associate
editor, for the second and third edition, of the clinical magazine from
Sociedade Portuguesa de Ortopedia Dento-Facial.
Since the
last few years she actively participates in nacional and internacional
congresses and courses, as lecture or congressist.
Her cliniacal practice is exclusive in