World Infectious Diseases Congress
World Infectious Diseases Congress
Chiang Mai University
Unahalekhaka is a Professor in public health nursing at the Faculty of Nursing,
Chiang Mai University. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing,
Master of Science and PhD in Epidemiology. She received a certificate in
surveillance and applied epidemiology for HIV and AIDS from the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) USA and a certificate in statistical,
epidemiological and operational methods applied in Medicine and Public Health
from the University of Brussels, Belgium. She had worked as a Disease Control
Officer in the Division of Epidemiology, Ministry of Public Health, Bangkok,
Thailand for 14 years before becoming a professor at Faculty of Nursing, Chiang
Mai University in 1992. Her academic positions include scientific committee at
the National Seminar on Epidemiology, chairman of the Northern Regional
Epidemiology Board, thesis advisor for Master degree students in the Infection
Control Nursing program and the Public Health program, committee member of
Infection Control Nursing Branch, Master of Nursing Science (Infection Control
Nursing), guest lecturer at many universities and nursing colleges in Thailand
and a guest speaker in prevention and control of hospital-associated
Infections, disinfection and sterilization, MDRO and tuberculosis prevention
for hospitals throughout Thailand for more than 600 times. She was the past
president of the Nursing Association for Prevention and Control of Infections
(NAPCI), a consultant in infection prevention and control of many hospitals in
Thailand, for the Society of Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) of
Thailand and Bureau of Health System Development, the Department of Health
Service Support, the Ministry of Public Health and the Faculty of Dentistry,
Mahidol University.
She was on the editorial board of the following
Ministry of Public Health publications: Guidelines for Developing Provincial
Surveillance Network, Guidelines for HIV Sentinel Surveillance in Thailand,
Guidelines for AIDS and HIV infection definition and Guidelines for definition
and surveillance of nosocomial infections. Currently, she an editorial council
member of The International Journal of Infection Control (IJIC) of the IFIC and
Editorial Advisory Board of the Clinical Governance: An International Journal.
She has written books on disinfection and
sterilization, nosocomial infections: epidemiology and prevention, surveillance
and outbreak investigation of nosocomial infections. She translated the book
“Infection Control: Basic Concepts and Training” by the International
Federation in Infection Control (IFIC), of which about 4000 copies of this book
were distributed throughout Thailand.
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